Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Nano engineering advances bone-forming material

The advancement means the successful use of  in  grafts for human patients is a step closer. The material could also have potential future applications in fracture repair and reconstructive surgery.
Currently the patient's own bone, donated bone or artificial materials are used for bone grafts but limitations with all these options have prompted researchers to investigate how synthetic materials can be enhanced.
Dr Eddy Poinern and his team from the Murdoch Applied Nanotechnology Research Group worked with powdered forms of the bio ceramic hydroxyapatite (HAP) to form  with a sponge-like structure which were then successfully implanted behind the shoulders of four sheep by collaborators from the School of Veterinary and Life Sciences at Murdoch University.
HAP is already being used in a number of biomedical applications such as bone augmentation in dentistry because of its similarity to the inorganic mineral component of . But treatments of HAP so that it can be successfully used in a  have yet to be developed because of the complexities involved with compatibility and HAP's load bearing limitations.

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